
0 3762

One of my earliest articles on TopTierTactics was about story in multiplayer games, dealing specifically with Team Fortress 2. At the time, TF2...
0 5362

This year at E3, one of the most exciting games shown at E3 was Bethesda's Dishonored. After showing an incredibly badass trailer a few...
6 3534

"Nothing Everything is true. Everything is permitted." Imagine a world where every myth, legend and conspiracy were true ― that's Secret World in a nutshell. Developed by
0 4178

"Long-time" readers may remember that back in July, Top Tier Tactics featured its first (and thus far only) guest article, authored by Xiant. This...
1 2476

From time to time, Top Tier Tactics will feature guest articles with particular depth or insight into gaming, strategy, and the great beyond. The...