
3 5516

Having forsaken most of life's wonders in favor of Dark Souls, I can claim today to be far better at the game than I...
0 4513

Two days, two more round of Steam deals. Important-to-a-Certain-Religion-Holiday saw Skyrim and all it's DLC on sale. As of right now, it's all still...
0 3001

I'll level with you. Day 3 felt a little lackluster when it comes to "OMG MUST HAVE" sales. And what is on offer either...
0 3107

Day 2 has been and gone, and another wave of crazy deals went with it. In commemoration of FFVII's release, and subsequent discount, on...
1 21205

As I write this, the Steam Holiday Sale is in full swing, nearing the end of its first day. You're reading it probably well...
0 8630

The assault class has always been the standard by which the rest of the Battlefield games are set. In Bad Company 2, they were...
0 3079

A friend of mine sent me an early Christmas gift (read: November) of Batman: Arkham Origins, and while I'm having fun with it, I'm...
4 5775

The ways to improve your aim, keystroke precision, timing, almost any mechanical aspect of your game, they're well documented and you'll find them everywhere....
2 5630

If you're like me and are a masochist very good at life, you bought Call of Doggy: Wet Posts, and you bought it for...
0 10457

While not new to the Battlefield franchise, it's been some time since Commander mode's been available. Now that it's back, inexperienced commanders will likely...