Street Fighter (series)

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When Capcom announced Super Street Fighter IV, the first add-on to the vanilla version of SF4, the online backlash was swift, sarcastic, and predictable....
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In addition to the insanely precise inputs necessary and brutal link timing, this hugely flashy combo relies on a glitch in the way Street...
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Within minutes of the Ultra Street Fighter 4 announcement, slack-jawed comment pundits were decrying its existence. The litany of ignorant insinuation was basically endless: "Milked Franchise...
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Want to know more about how I chose my main, Vega? Read Finding Your Niche . The benefit of playing...
14 8020

My history with fighting games is somewhat unorthodox. When gamers hear the words "fighting game", a couple franchises come to mind -
4 6300

From one Wordpress template blogger to another, I have to...
3 4053

If, by some odd twist of fate, you've found my blog before you ever heard of David Sirlin, I would like to make a formal...