Street Fighter 4

1 9689

When Capcom announced Super Street Fighter IV, the first add-on to the vanilla version of SF4, the online backlash was swift, sarcastic, and predictable....
using cell phones texting on couch
0 2694

While handheld systems continue to have a certain appeal for (primarily younger) gamers, smart phones have become the de facto gaming device for pretty...
5 5896

Just as many of you may respect my work in the worlds of Team Fortress 2 and Assassin's Creed, so too do...
10 4314

Super Street Fighter IV was released about a year after
1 2057

While I'm well aware that many, many, many players have Super Street Fighter 4 already (including my brother, whose online status taunts me even...
4 5524

I was going to start this blog with a sharp-witted discussion of the importance of tactics and strategy to success in competitive games. A...