Street Fighter X Tekken

10 9915

With nearly one year since the last official announcement about the upcoming Namco fighter, it's no wonder fans have begun to ask themselves increasingly...
9 10108

Within minutes of the Ultra Street Fighter 4 announcement, slack-jawed comment pundits were decrying its existence. The litany of ignorant insinuation was basically endless: "Milked Franchise...
3 5267

One of the major aspects of the Fighting Game Community that differentiates itself from other competitive gaming communities (e.g., the pro Starcraft scene*) is...
5 4058

After having been to three Evo tournaments now, they seem to move like clockwork. One second you're getting off your flight in nighttime Vegas...
2 3646

The EVO Championship Series 2012 Tournament is live, and if you're not watching it right now, you're missing out. If this year is anything like...
4 3565

It's that time of the year again. Next week is's official fighting game tournament, the Evolution Tournament Series, which takes place at...
5 9061

In order to be successful in Street Fighter IV, and of course, any fighting game, a large amount of time is demanded by the...
10 4088

If there are words to describe what Capcom has done with these PS3 exclusive characters, I don't know what they are. L... LOLZ? Is... is...