Super Street Fighter 4

3 5821

Venomish has compiled detailed frame data for every character in SSF4 on Eventhubs, and the information is extremely welcome. Additionally, the...
1 6323

Despite many a worry that our favorite gentleman boxer...
1 2062

While I'm well aware that many, many, many players have Super Street Fighter 4 already (including my brother, whose online status taunts me even...
1 2119

Nothing to say here other than there's an EASY shot to enter this contest. Can't hurt, right? Worst case scenario: you pawn the goods...
0 2153

While I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, it looks like there are several reports that some people have received e-mails...
1 3428

There's not much to say about this; hopefully Capcom will patch it ASAP. Seems pretty hilarious they've overlooked something that they had previously removed...
4 5526

I was going to start this blog with a sharp-witted discussion of the importance of tactics and strategy to success in competitive games. A...