Team Fortress 2 (TF2)

11 5518

I hope you'll forgive the fact that the idea for this article came from a Call of Duty video. I hope you'll forgive also...
33 3729

I am Lasombre of Borg. Since the departure of the human WiNGSPANTT has rendered this website irrelevant, I will now be in charge. You...
16 7483

Since I got TF2 three years ago, I've been a fan of WiNG's Failspy Adventures. No really,...
33 11769

Before a few weeks ago, I haven't heard the word "tryhard" outside of some friends' comments about celebrity fashion. I definitely got it: the...
13 4561

One year ago, the Team Fortress 2 community did something pretty impressive. It took a few minutes...
6 3507

Last week, I called out to you, dear reader for help. I stated my simple goal: to revive Tactical Tuesday/Thursday and bring back a...
17 6974

Over a month ago, I predicted the Manno-Technology Update. And while some people wouldn't attribute the term "prediction" to an event that is...
3 4295

During the Replay Update, Valve gave Team Fortress 2 players an unprecedented ability to spam YouTube share their adventures...
11 5700

While I have no intention to completely stop making Spy videos, the fact of the matter is that as time goes on, there is...
7 3034

Ever wish you could improve the world? Sadly, due to the limitations imposed by society, you cannot. But that doesn't mean there aren't other,...