technical difficulties

20 7158

If you've been waiting for Diablo 3 for over a decade, you're not alone. Millions of gamers worldwide have held back their giddy squeals in...
0 2060

Just a quick note that T3 is currently in the midst of switching domain management from GoDaddy to NameCheap. Why the change? Well, GoDaddy's always...
35 7358

Well isn't this a fine mess. For those of you who don't play AC:R on the...
10 3695

Just dropping this post to let everyone know I'm not dead. I am instead 80% sure there is malware on my PC and I...
11 2826

Well, that was an adventure. Thanks to the expertise of yours truly, Top Tier Tactics has recovered from the worst server migration since the last...
7 2411

After Reddit and TeamLiquid crashed Top Tier Tactics earlier today after the incredibly popular , it appears we will be moving forward with...
10 4540

Okay, so I guess this post really has nothing to do with zombie espionage, though the idea is interesting.* Instead, I've received a few...