
29 17590

When comparing decks in Duels of the Planeswalkers, as with many other things, relative matchups matter and subjective opinions are all you have to...
28 14420

Today's guest article is written by shawntown, a long-time gamer, Magic player, and writer. Not necessarily in that order.
36 34379

Tier lists are controversial for lots of reasons. Players will argue if matchup strength is more important than consistency. Or the data itself will...
2 8131

Street Fighter IV AE features a lot of gameplay mechanics that are both hallmarks of the greater Street Fighter series and are new to...
9 7548

Want to know more about how I chose my main, Vega? Read Finding Your Niche . The benefit of playing...
14 7961

My history with fighting games is somewhat unorthodox. When gamers hear the words "fighting game", a couple franchises come to mind -
83 17129

There are some things that should never be combined. For instance, a man and his enemy's mother. Or peanut butter and foie gras. Or...
10 4262

Super Street Fighter IV was released about a year after
3 3905

While a tier list for a game with only three choices might seem pointless and laughable, many players in forums around the world (yes,...