
35 7382

After poring over a ridiculously complicated Excel document all night, I've finally managed to schedule the Top Tier Tactics ACR tournament. The roster is...
7 5098

You may not have been impressed with the first DLC for Assassin's Creed Revelations multiplayer. For a few dollars, you could get...
5 2578

While I apologize for the long string of video content recently,* I hope you've found that I haven't lowered my media...
42 13209

Dear Intellectual Opponents, You seem to be under the impression that I am promoting the Hidden Gun to people because I believe it to be...
15 6993

The moment you've all been waiting for is here: The Xbox 360 T3 ACR Tournament...
57 13556

Yes, kids, the "leaked" 1.02 patch list from last week was fake. Sure, I threw in the requisite minimum number of serious-sounding changes...

It's no secret: I don't really like team based modes in Assassin's Creed Revelations multiplayer. It's not that they're bad or anything, I just don't...
16 7565

I'm not going to say precisely how I got this information. Hell, it wouldn't be conscionable. I mean, do you have any fucking clue just...
8 4054

Well, this is it: the moment you've all been waiting for. Wait, what's that? This isn't the finals match? It's just Bracket D of the...
assassins creed revelations ezio closeup
1 3752

The hits just keep on comin' here at T3. You've watched Bracket A and Bracket B of our