
29 10113

Assassin's Creed 2 was, by all measures, a huge success. The game's critical and consumer reception was tremendously positive, driving purchases to over 10...
7 5246

While it took a while from our original inquest into the Assassin's Creed 3 multiplayer component, we're happy...
16 4772

It's been a while since I've played ACR in any serious capacity, but just as with last year, the Steam Sale has lured me...
77 16403

We know you're on the edge of your seats to learn more about Assassin's Creed 3. No, not the single player missions you'll finish...
4 2690

I wanted to get this in for the weekend before E3 insanity (and with it, Rabid Ferret's) begins. I'm always getting interesting stuff from fans....
12 4744

Welcome back to Hypetrain! Next stop: hype. Some of you might not remember Hypetrain. Back when I had more time on my...
team fortress 2 how to play spy wingspantt toptiertactics
10 3734

It's been a while since I sorted through all the messages that come in through the T3 mailbox, and in my opinion that...

Welcome! Today, I'd like to discuss the finer art of trolling. I don't mean trolling to be a pain in the ass to the...
11 3513

Last time on Top Tier Tactics, I posted a video where I squared off against the players of ACR Tournament Bracket A in...
4 3038

Don't worry your little hearts, I still love Assassin's Creed multiplayer. And while the most recent patch may have soured...