Ultra Street Fighter 4

1 9689

When Capcom announced Super Street Fighter IV, the first add-on to the vanilla version of SF4, the online backlash was swift, sarcastic, and predictable....
0 3870

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZL7z1Xawt0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukE6-M5U9s0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJdBPtM_AG0 Without knowing damage numbers, startup frames, or anything else, you probably can't start planning how you're going to use Ultra Street Fighter 4's...
1 31780

Following rumors that Capcom would be adding Red Focus and allowing double Ultra Combos in its upcoming Street Fighter 4 revision, the company announced...
9 10177

Within minutes of the Ultra Street Fighter 4 announcement, slack-jawed comment pundits were decrying its existence. The litany of ignorant insinuation was basically endless: "Milked Franchise...
6 5956

If you haven't heard of the Evolution Fighting Series, you're probably not very good at fighting games/a very smart human being. Every year, the...