Wizards of the Coast

4 8994

Completely in line with popular belief, Maze's End isn’t a deck archetype you play because you like combos. You don’t play it because...
2 4052

Ah, Theros. The first set in which I properly played Magic, and already one of my clear favorites. No doubt it's a weird one;...
2 6091

First there's the rule sheet. Then there are initial quarries with starter decks. Then you're playing for 10'000$ of price money. If only you...
52 27082

After the releases of DotP12 on the 15th of June, DotP13 on the 20th of June, and DotP14 on the 26th of June, it...
4 6753

Earlier today, Wizards of the Coast posted a completely encrypted update, announcing a set called GVYJTHQXGR. Less earlier today, a Reddit user named stumpyraccoon...
33 14501

After an unexplained delay of Valve proportions, Warsmith has finally arrived on non-Pad platforms. And all things were well forever. It's not the new...
19 13075

Faeries. Yes, indeed, faeries. To be honest, I would have expected more of this deck. It stands a moderate chance to win against non-revenge...
45 17709

Is it a leak? Is it an early release? Did Stainless decide to let Magic 2014 players open one present early this year? No matter...
44 15286

Our exclusive Magic 2014 DLC Deck Pack #2 preview continues with Up to Mischief, the new monoblue faerie-based option. Sporting a range of tricks,...
26 16344

Before I started actually playing with Enchanter's Arsenal, I can't pretend I was hugely excited for the premise. After all, both Magic 2014 and...