Wizards of the Coast

25 35695

Fifteen years ago, when I was first learning Magic the Gathering, Slivers were being introduced to the game. Within days, everyone either loved them or...
31 36698

This is a guest article by Grahf, owner of Grahf Games! Okay, first thing is first. This deck is not Obedient Dead, for...
12 19663

Hey, you. Are you tired of all that complicated talk about trading, clocks, and card advantage? Well do I have a deck for you....
49 39364

Too awesome to die with the rest of the guilds featured in Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013, the Dimir are back in black (and...
35 27618

There's something oh-so-satisfying about winning with a gigantic X-damage spell aimed at your opponent's face, or summoning a gigantic (bear with me) fire wave...
37 25582

Like Ajani's previous deck in Duels of the Planeswalkers, Celestial Light, Guardians of Light promises to be a midrange deck which neither...
49 37900

Let's just get this out of the way: Avacyn's Glory is one of the best decks in Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers. No cheeky...
7 4951

Since T3's resident Magic Pro is busy betraying his beloved cardboard wives with another, digital set of cardboard pieces, I figured I'd take...
18 18294

With Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers, Wizards’ virtual trading card game takes another big step towards closing the gap between paper and digital...
3 7098

I've written about the interesting depth of Magic's color flavor before, but Ravnica and the Return to Ravnica blocks made even the most casual players think...