Xbox One

0 4111

Bethesda, if you’re reading this, I’d like to apologize in advance. It’s not that I don’t love you – in fact, your company puts...
8 8613

If you're part of the Assassin's Creed multiplayer community, you're probably nervous about AC4: Black Flag. It's not that you've heard anything bad per...
2 7503

If you've read my fictional take on Spies vs. Mercs gameplay, you know that I have a huge bias in favor of Ubisoft's...
0 6008

When the words ULTRA COMBO came out of the Microsoft presentation, old-school fighting game fanboys crapped their pants. Killer Instinct is one of the...
3 4035

When you're not awkwardly conversing with booth models or starting fistfights in the media lounge, the E3 experience primarily consists of playing video games...
1 2179

Why is Microsoft getting the ire of the gaming media right now? Well, all the big stuff is obvious. Microsoft overplayed its hand this console...
0 1886

Our Lord, Master, and Omniscient leader WiNGSPANTT is away at E3 for the next week, which means I've control of the site in his...
11 4326

Right now, executives at Sony are laughing. They’re laughing because their company trained and prepared and sweat and bled for a prize fight with Microsoft,...
1 3235

With only a few days left before E3, it appears the gaming community the vocal hardcore gaming crowd is officially losing its collective mind...
13 9999

We all have our opinions on the matter. XBOX is better than PlayStation is better than PC is better than blah blah blah. While...