
9 7419

Since the dawn of the genre, fighting games have been making players salty. Unlike other types of games, where competition was indirect or impersonal (think...
9 6931

Every once in a while I'll get a message from another player who seems to have "hit a dead end." They've put their share...
1 3121

To the uninitiated, fighting game matches don't make a whole lot of sense. Sure, there's usually two guys* beating the piss out of each...
3 5079

Since Mortal Kombat 2, Sub Zero has been my personal favorite character. But time has chilled the notorious ninja, who is a more methodical...
19 5954

After my Spy Psychology article, I've come to another, somewhat connected conclusion lately. The real key to being a higher tier player is...
19 4033

Apologies for running these so late, but E3 put a huge damper on our ability to handle incoming mail! Do you have...